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Treasury: Latest
In the face of considerable competition from other payment options, card issuers have recognised the need for a digital, frictionless, secure and cost-efficient solution.
Corporates may seem to be spoilt for choice when it comes to options for making cross-border payments, but with some schemes in their infancy and others facing challenges around ubiquity and geographical coverage, finding the best solution is not always straightforward.
The success of e-CNY, despite its retail characteristics, could be attributed to a strong government push, effective collaboration with banks and e-platforms, and, most importantly, a win-win mentality that inspired the two-tier channel design.
In an exclusive interview with Euromoney, Mahesh Kini discusses recent changes in the business and increased demand of corporate treasurers for multiple solutions, especially visibility.
Euromoney’s chief research officer Andrei Charniauski took on the most pressing question at Sibos in Beijing: how can the financial services industry reduce cost, increase speed and improve access? Payments data could be the answer, according to a panel of experts.
Banks are going to great lengths to digitise trade processes while acknowledging the various obstacles to completely removing manual or paper-based transactions.
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