Feature: The world’s largest banks 2007, with data from Moody's
Full results: 2007 Bank atlas
The top 250 banks are scored and ranked. The below table includes the top twenty published in the 2007 atlas, ranked by shareholder equity. Premium subscribers may interrogate the Full Results and drill down the results of the rankings. Banks are ranked by:
Shareholder equity ($m) - World's largest bank by shareholder equity
(view the top 250)
Total assets ($m) - World's largest bank by assets
(view the top 250)
Net income ($m)- World's largest bank by net income
(view the top 250)
RoE, period end (%)- World's largest bank by RoE
(view the top 250)
RoA, period end (%)- World's largest bank by RoA
(view the top 250)
Loans as a percent of deposits - World's largest bank by loans as a percent of deposits
(view the top 250)
Tier 1 capital ratio - World's largest bank by tier 1 capital ratio
(view the top 250)
Plus view the top banks by region.