Bank atlas: The world's largest banks 2008, with data from Moody's

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Bank atlas: The world's largest banks 2008, with data from Moody's

An atlas of banks country-by-country (approx. 1000 banks, split by region) and a list of the top 250 global financial groups by assets.

An atlas of banks country-by-country (approx. 1000 banks, split by region) and a list of the top 250 global financial groups by assets. The lists includes banks as well as Building Societies. Both lists provide the bank name, the country, the rating information if available and 10 common ratios based on 2-year public information. The 2008 bank atlas utilises the most recent data available and the date refers to the published date rather than to the date of the data.  Please see associated methodologies

Please note: This atlas is online-only feature and is not published in the print edition of Euromoney magazine.


The Largest banks in the Americas: Americas banking atlas 2008

Recessionary headwinds impair credit outlook for US banks; banks in Canada and Latin America are so far relatively unscathed, by Jeanne Del Casino, senior credit officer – Latin American banks, Moody's Investors Service.

      For premium subscribers only:   Full results of the 2008 Americas Bank atlas



Trends in EMEA Banking

Banking markets across the EMEA region have all been affected by the ongoing credit market crisis over the last year. The environment is likely to remain very challenging for some considerable time, and the outlook for the region’s banking systems is generally negative. The extent and nature of this however differs significantly across economies and markets, and even within markets. In these conditions it is particularly important to accurately assess the credit risk of given markets and individual banks within those markets, and correctly identify where the risks lie and to assess their severity. By Henry MacNevin, SVP, Senior analyst – EMEA banking group, Moody's. 


        For premium subscribers only:   Full results of the 2008 EMEA Bank atlas poll


Precautionary measures should help Asian banks weather stormy markets 

As the global economic recession intensifies, banks in Asia are well-positioned to weather increasingly negative credit trends. By Richard Lung, Vice president and senior analyst at Moody’s.

           For premium subscribers only:   Full results of the 2008 Asian bank atlas


        For premium subscribers only:   World's largest banks: Global and regional data

2008 Global ranking by Shareholder equity ($m)

Rank Entity Score
1 Bank Of America Corporation 146803 ($m) 
2 HSBC Holdings Plc 128160 ($m) 
3 JP Morgan Chase & Co. 123221 ($m) 
4 Citigroup Inc 113598 ($m) 
5 Intesa Sanpaolo (a) 107533 ($m) 
6 Royal Bank Of Scotland Group Plc 105700 ($m)  
7 Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group Inc 88362 ($m) 
8 Unicredito Italiano Spa 84881 ($m) 
9 Banco Santander SA (Spain) 84637 ($m) 
10 BNP Paribas 80944 ($m) 

The top 250 banks are scored and ranked. The above are the top ten published in the 2008 atlas, ranked by shareholder equity.
World's largest banks - Global bank rankings: Top 250 by shareholder equity 

World's largest banks 2008: Top 25 by shareholder equity (free to access)

This is a sample of the World's largest banks in 2008, with data from Moody's.

Further breakdowns:
Subscribers may interrogate the Full Results and drill down the results of the rankings. Banks are ranked by:

  •   Shareholder equity ($m) - World's largest bank by shareholder equity

  •   Total assets ($m) - World's largest bank by assets

  •   Net income ($m)- World's largest bank by net income

  •   RoE, period end (%)- World's largest bank by RoE

  •   RoA, period end (%)- World's largest bank by RoA

  •   Loans as a percent of deposits - World's largest bank by loans as a percent of deposits

  •   Tier 1 capital ratio - World's largest bank by tier 1 capital ratio

Plus breakdowns by regions:
Africa, Australasia, Caribbean, Central and eastern Europe, Central Asia, Latin America, Middle East, Nordic and Baltic, North America, Northern Asia, South-East Asia, Southern Asia, Western Europe.

You can display global or regional results.


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