The 2010 survey of the banking clubs shows considerable variation in the number of member banks and country coverage, as shown in Table 7 (click here to see Table 7: Banking Clubs, January 2010) . Connector now reports all its member banks individually rather than collectively as bank groups, which explains why the number of Connector bank members has increased so significantly over the past 12 months, from 15 to 46. It has also added several new member banks, which has increased the number of countries covered by Connector from 34 to 43. Connector is working on a new product development in euro pooling. The number of IBOS member banks has increased from 28 to 31 and the country coverage from 25 to 28. The TES Banking Club continues to have the widest country coverage, slightly down from 78 to 74 this year, and the largest number of member banks, slightly up from 73 to 76.