...for more than a decade Euromoney magazine’s annual Technology
in Treasury Management Supplement has been the leading annual
review of developments in international cash and treasury
management services.
The supplement includes a review of the international cash
management services offered by the seven global network banks,
leading regional cash management banks, numbering at least 60, and
the banking clubs, providing unparalleled information on the products,
services and strategies of the banks in all five regions of the world.
For many corporate treasury departments it is the starting point for
researching the banks they will choose to provide their international
cash management services. In the 2011 supplement, several new banks
will be added to the survey, which will also include a review of how
companies are managing to survive the current credit crisis.
The 2011 supplement will again focus on the opportunities for
corporate treasury departments to exploit the new and emerging
technologies and services to improve their cash and treasury
management efficiencies. The reviews of the latest developments
in payment systems and of cash, treasury and risk management
technologies, and in the financial supply chain will describe
opportunities for companies to cut cash management processing and
operational costs, and reduce their exposures to the various types of risk.
Euromoney magazine‘s Technology in Treasury Management
Supplement is an essential reference document for all companies
whatever the scale of their cash and treasury management
PUBLISHED MARCH 2011: The 2011 guide to Technology in Treasury Management
Online archive:
Technology in Treasury Management 2010
Technology in Treasury Management 2009
Technology in Treasury Management 2008
Technology in Treasury Management 2007
Technology in Treasury Management 2006