Sir Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England (BoE), blamed the downturn in the eurozone for continuing problems at UK banks, speaking at the announcement of the Bank’s Inflation report today.
King said:
Warming to his theme of the eurozone as the single biggest risk to the UK, King continued:
King says this is not what the Bank of England had expected to happen.
But it hasn’t materialized and that raises obvious alarm about the potential impact on the UK economy.
It’s an interesting analysis. Alastair Ryan and John Paul-Crutchley, banks analysts at UBS, develop an alternative narrative with a different villain in a report released earlier this week “Enough, already”.
The UBS analysts agree that UK banks have done much to increase their financial strength in the past three years, but blame key regulators, including the Bank of England for failing to recognize this, tilting the regulatory burden in ways that prevent banks from providing decent returns to shareholders, increasing risk aversion among bank bond investors and so increasing risks to the UK economy.
They argue:
But regulators are still forcing banks to shrink to the detriment of the UK economy.
The UBS analysts point to continuing pressure from the Bank of England on banks to retain earnings, increase capital and boost liquidity buffers in low return investments. All this, they say is inimical to growing lending.
Who’s story is more believable, the Bank of England’s or the UBS analysts’?
If you spent as much time as Euromoney talking to investors in bank debt and equity, you would find regulators increasingly being cast as the villains of the piece.
Is there a way for bank regulators to recast themselves as the good guys? The UBS analysts point to the ineffectiveness of quantitative easing in boosting lending to the UK economy. Meanwhile the stock of UK bank bonds outstanding is roughly comparable in size to the gilt market.
If the Bank of England wants to help bring down UK banks’ funding costs so as to ease credit to the economy, maybe it should start buying UK bank bonds.