The survey is designed to give our readers valuable information with regard to the trade finance market and give them the opportunity to rank trade finance providers across a selection of service categories and an overall, global ranking of providers as rated by their clients.
The survey is split into 3 parts. The trade finance provider nominations, the market share splits and the service category ratings.
Part 1:
Clients nominate their top 3 trade finance providers globally and by regions. Providers receive 4 points for a 1st place nomination, 3 points for a 2nd place nomination and 2 points for 3rd place. These scores are then totaled to produce a ranking. Country rankings may also be produced based on the location of the respondent and the global nominations they gave.
Part 2:
Average % of business each client trades with each provider – globally and by region. Each client gave a % of business they trade with each of their providers and this was averaged globally/by each region. This will enable us to produce market share rankings by geography.
Part 3:
The overall qualitative scores are calculated as a simple average of all the ratings given for each bank, regardless of category. The thresholds for the overall rating tables are set to 100 throughout (global and regional). This is 100 ratings and not 100 respondents – 1 respondent can rate a bank in up to 21 categories.
For the individual service categories, the score is the arithmetic mean of the ratings for that category.
Votes are not included in the survey were:
Service providers cast a vote for themselves
Euromoney does not receive confirmation from the respondent of their identity
An individual respondent submits more than one ballot and we cannot resolve the duplication
A respondents volume is duplicating that of a colleagues from the same institution
We received 2288 valid responses to the survey.
For any queries please contact Tessa Wilkie – twilkie@euromoney.com - 02077797310