Euromoney's annual Best Managed Companies ranking is based on a survey of market analysts at leading banks and research institutes around the world. Polling takes place from 7th June to late July.
The questionnaire is divided into the following regions:
Central & Eastern Europe
Latin America
Middle East
Sub-Saharan Africa
Western Europe
Respondents were asked to nominate the top three listed companies in each region, taking into account the following factors when making their choices:
Most convincing and coherent business strategy
Best system of corporate governance
Most accessible senior management
Most transparent financial accounts
Best for shareholder value
Most useful and informative website
We then asked respondents to score their top three choices from one to seven according to the above criteria, with one being terrible and seven being excellent.
New for this year, we asked for respondents’ views on the best companies in their region for corporate social responsibility. Global events have focused increasing attention on how businesses interact with the environment and society and Euromoney aims to gauge how perceptions are changing.
We received 451 responses for the Asia portion of the survey.
If you would like more information about the poll, please contact Tessa Wilkie: Tessa.wilkie@euromoney.com