FX poll 2003: Methodology
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FX poll 2003: Methodology

Voter breakdown by type Voter breakdown by region

Please note that the breakdown of client groups in the market share rankings below do not represent the entire universe of data used in the overall rankings - they are selected client groups only. All of the tables below show the top ranked firms only.

Euromoney collected data for its 2003 forex survey by polling named individuals at industrial and commercial corporations, financial institutions, institutional investors and state agencies.

We received 1,901 valid replies, an increase of 31.5% on last year's figure of 1,445 replies received. A total of 2,153 questionnaires were submitted between Monday January 20 and Friday March 28 2003.

Of these, 252 -11.7% of the total - were deleted for the following reasons, listed in order of frequency:

1. Euromoney did not receive confirmation from the respondent of his/her identity.

2. Voters submitted more than one ballot.

3. Forex service providers were voting for themselves.

Questionnaires were sent out both electronically and by fax in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. The survey was also available for download on euromoney.com.

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