However, one complaint. Every week we receive notices about work that is being done to support women in the work place, or to encourage more girls into finance careers, which is brilliant. But must there be so much pink? And do the invites need to be so stuffed full of sexist, patronising terms and ‘cute’ catchphrases?
Surely the next generation of top female finance executives don’t need invites to events to be phrased in this way to entice them to attend. One corker received this week even contained the promise of a ‘mystery’ male speaker [cue eye roll].
Helena Morrissey is CEO of Newton Investment Management and mother to nine children. One can only imagine how many offers of ‘tea and cake, alongside career advice’ she must have had if that is the only way for a woman to achieve success in the finance industry.
Euromoney also receives invites to events for working dads. But they do not arrive covered in cars and written in the style of fight club rulebooks.
Banks, what you are doing to support your female employees and to inspire future generations of women bankers is great. Just please, ease off the pink.