Believe it or not, Euromoney journalists are simple souls. No, really. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t ask for much in life. Just feed and water us and we’re as friendly as new-born kittens. If, on the other hand, you subject us to hour upon hour of boring facts and figures only to offer us what the local sandwich shop around the corner had on special offer that morning, plus coffee in a Styrofoam cup, then be warned. Hell hath no fury like a starving, thirsty hack and you can kiss goodbye to any positive coverage.
So ein dreifaches Hoch – three cheers – to Raiffeisen International, whose post -2006 annual results press lunch in Vienna set new standards and proved beyond all doubt that when it comes to putting on an event, nobody does it better than the Austrians. Why the PR staffs at London investment banks think that journalists have the appetites of the average dormouse and the liquid refreshment needs of a camel is quite beyond us. Raiffeisen, though, clearly understands our simple needs. Croatian prawns cooked to order, lashings of Russian caviar – and that’s just for starters.