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Amman, Jordan, has been a human settlement since 8,500 BC. Through the centuries the city has seen empires rise and fall, has been razed by armies and earthquakes only to be rebuilt. But Amman is by no means a museum piece. Although its historic souk district attracts curious tourists and remains a lively part of the cityscape, the city is in the throes of change. Its population has grown by almost 1 million to 2.2 million over the past seven years as Iraqis fleeing the conflict in their country have made Amman home. This massive influx has put the city’s infrastructure under pressure and put a premium on housing.
As Amman has grown so rapidly since the turn of the century, it became apparent to King Abdullah II and the government that it was in need of a major revival. Jordan’s political and business leaders have come together behind Abdali – a project that will create a brand new downtown Amman.