Morgan Stanley retains the advisory award after leading the field in Asia Pacific by volume, deal count and regional diversity. Dieter Turowski is chairman, investment banking at Morgan Stanley Asia Limited.
M&A head Rich Wong could point to multiple successful and significant advisories in China, India, Korea, Japan, Australia and southeast Asia during the review period. On top of that, the bank was part of every fundamental theme in regional M&A.
Covid-related rescues? It was on the Cathay Pacific recapitalization, the Bain-Virgin Australia sale and the Singapore Airlines rights issue. Spacs? ReNew, Wheels Up and – just outside the review period but very much in the works during it – Grab/Altimeter.

In Chinese domestic restructuring Morgan Stanley was there advising on the $26.5 billion sale of pipeline assets between PipeChina and Sinopec, as well as the Cofco reorganization.