“Net fee and commission income recorded a de-growth of 10%”
This creative awards pitch can’t fool Euromoney. That’s a de-cline
“You only really need to read pages one through nine”
It has to be asked why this particular lender submitted an 88-page awards pitch then
“If you talk about how to serve clients’ needs properly – we are still learning”
A Chinese bank president shows some refreshing honesty
“What is this call about?”
A day of back-to-back Zoom calls means this banker doesn’t get his awards pitch off to the best start; surprisingly, he still won
Euromoney: “I’ve just gone to audio-only in case it was the video stream that was causing the poor audio on my end.”
Head of transaction services (dialling back in): “No, it wasn’t you. This happens ALL the time. What were we talking about?”
EM: “Err, how you seamlessly managed the shift to working from home”