“If risk-weighted assets go up 5%, is that going to be a tax on the economy, with less lending, or does it go to the non-bank sector? You have an election year coming up. This is not a done deal”
One US bank chief executive reckons the current Basel IV proposals will not make it to implementation unscathed
“You, as the owner of a middle market borrower, have to ask yourself if the direct lender that lends you money today will hand you over to those colleagues across the floor who manage private equity. They exist to own companies”
This banker sees a downside for borrowers in the growth of private credit
“It’s not that there aren’t experts – it’s just that so many so-called experts have come out of the woodwork that it’s hard to know who has expertise and who is just full of buzzword bullshit”
One banker says that not all of ESG’s rapid growth is credible
“There’s no greenium in the local markets – and whenever there’s volatility in international markets the greenium disappears immediately. What does that tell you?”
Pricing speaks louder than strategy words when it comes to ESG investing
“It’s insane, I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s a safe haven for retail investors right now. But it will end in tears”
A Turkish banker frets about the sharp rise in retail participation in local IPOs