BBVA has maintained a strong presence in the Peruvian FX market, holding a leading role for the past six years.
BBVA has implemented a dynamic pricing strategy across its relationship platforms globally, using data on deals, client behaviour and market conditions to optimize each deal individually. This approach enables rapid adaptation to demand fluctuations and competition.
The bank has also enhanced its cash management and payment platform by adding FX forward products, market orders and alerts, providing clients with advanced tools for managing FX risk and capitalizing on market trends.

BBVA has experienced substantial growth in the Latin American FX market in recent years, including Peru, with an average compound annual growth rate of around 20% across the region. The implementation of a global FX spreads engine has streamlined data monitoring and enabled the sharing of best practices across different regions.
“The award represents all the effort BBVA has been making in different client segments, being able to provide different FX liquidity and solutions for corporate as well as small medium enterprises,” says Renzo Massa, head of global markets at BBVA Peru.