Respondents to Euromoney’s insurance survey are the direct buyers of insurance at leading companies worldwide. The majority are risk managers; other respondents include chief financial officers, insurance managers, heads of treasury and vice-presidents.
The survey is split into two sections: broking and insurance companies.
Best insurance broker
Respondents were asked to nominate their top three brokers in order of quality. Brokers received four points for a first-placed nomination, three points for a second-placed nomination and two points for a third-placed nomination. These points were then totalled to give an overall score. For the regional and country breakdowns the same methodology applied.
Respondents then rated their brokers from 1 to 7 (1=very poor and 7=excellent) across five service categories. The arithmetic mean was taken for each category for each broker to produce a ranking.
Best insurance company
Respondents were asked to nominate their top-three insurance companies in order of quality in different areas of insurance. Insurance companies received four points for a first-placed nomination, three points for a second-placed nomination and two points for a third-placed nomination. These points were then totalled to give an overall score. For the regional and country breakdowns the same methodology applied.
Respondents then rated their insurance providers from 1 to 7 (1=very poor and 7=excellent) across seven service categories. The arithmetic mean was taken for each category for each insurance company to produce a ranking.
To qualify in the global categories a company had to receive votes from more than one country.
For more information, please contact Tim Moxon, head of research, at