WireTap 1400 08/12/11 Euromoney Skew December 09, 2011 Email LinkedIn X Facebook Show more sharing options Copy Link URLCopied! Print Email LinkedIn X Facebook A round-up of the top stories from the specialist financial media, with a special focus on Euromoney's coverage of this weeks events Country risk experts consider UK riskier than eurozone AAA sovereigns Economists score the UK lower for country risk than France, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Finland Click here for the full storyEBA green lights CoCos as experts warn of death spiral effects Multiple issuance with multiple triggers could dampen cliff risk and improve hedgeability of instrument. Click here for the full storyEBA’s latest capital requirements hit Commerzbank Having long ago surrendered their credibility, European bank regulators can hardly have expected any sharp reaction to the latest revisions of their stress test and associated demands on European banks to recapitalize. Click here for the full storyLawyers claim "too many regulations coming out" Financial market lawyers at Reed Smith criticise the range of financial regulations being proposed or implemented Click here for the full story