"All the planes to Dublin are now full of guys in North Face fleeces and jeans instead of business suits"
A restructuring expert explains how you can tell when the distressed hedge fund buyers move into a market and the bankers move out
"Stupidity is not cyclical"
A distressed-debt investor explains why there is always opportunity in this market
"I’m sure Ireland won’t force a hit on senior bondholders... unless another sovereign does a soft restructuring first"
An investment banker in sovereign advisory offers cold comfort
"What time is your outbound flight? Can we get you a car to get you there? Heck, can we get you a helicopter ride that’s 20 minutes or less?"
A PR is desperate for Euromoney to make her bank’s Awards for excellence pitch
"His dying was a good thing as he was the intellectual driver of her evil"
A banker is clearly not a fan of Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner and her late husband
"I literally traded my face off today"
One banker in New York undergoes a radical transformation
"There you go again about quantitative easing! Always the quantitative easing! Why do you keep banging on about the end of quantitative easing?"
One DCM banker tells Euromoney he just can’t see any link at all between QE2 and unbridled liquidity in the credit markets...