InterSec 250: The changing face of asset management
InterSec 250 rankings 1 to 50 and 101 to 250
InterSec 250: Foreign-owned, operating under a different name
The top 250 institutional investors outside the US are ranked by assets under discretionary management. The ranking excludes assets over which investment managers do not have full discretion, such as advisory or custodial relationships. Several figures are estimated by InterSec and have not been confirmed by the institution concerned.
The types of institution ranked are banks (BK), internally-managed pension funds (PF), insurance companies (IN), investment managers and independent unit trust/mutual fund companies (UT). All have their headquarters outside the US. Other institutional investors, such as venture capitalists, stockbrokers and central banks are excluded.InterSec Research Corporation monitors over 3,500 institutions each year. Information on this database and other research into worldwide investment management and administration is available from Richard O'Connell at InterSec Research Corporation, London, tel: +44-171-287 3898, fax +44-171-287 3895.