Emerging market banks: Problems unsolved
Emerging market banks: The 1999 Rankings
This ranking of emerging-markets banks was compiled by Fitch IBCA from commercial banks' annual reports and financial statements for 1998 and 1997. Where possible figures are presented in consolidated form. Banks owned by other financial institutions are not listed separately. Subsidiaries and branches are not shown either. Definitions
Shareholder equity: the sum of issued common stock, capital surplus/premium, statutory reserve, legal reserve, revaluation reserve, contingency reserves, retained earnings, net profit for the year and minority interest. Own shares held and distributions payable are subtracted from the total. Where consolidated data are used, shareholder equity includes group equity attributable to minorities.
Total assets: as reported in financial statements, net of contra accounts and of eliminations, such as deduction of own shares held.
Net income: as reported in financial statements before appropriation.
Return on average equity: net income divided by average equity. In some cases no comparative figures are available for the previous fiscal period. In these instances, this column represents return on equity at the year-end.