1 David Montagu, William de Gelsey, Andrew Large, Hans de Gier
2 John Meyer (JP Morgan), Alfred Schäfer (UBS), Robert Fleming (Robert Fleming)
3 Romania, Poland, Hungary
4 Ditchley Park, England
5 Making $3 billion of provisions for emerging market debt
6 Herstatt, Franklin National
7 Roberto Calvi, chairman of Banco Ambrosiano
8 Henry Kravis
9 $300 billion
10 The Guinness scandal
11 Phoenix Securities
12 Hammersmith & Fulham
13 Risk-adjusted return on capital, invented at Bankers Trust
14 Bank of New York
15 Jacques Attali
16 DG Bank and Crédit Commercial de France
17 Oil futures
18 Joe Jett's bond strip trading.
19 Copper
20 By dressing as a woman
21 President Nixon's moving the dollar off the gold standard
22 January 1981
23 Zaire
24 They were Euromoney's worst finance minister for that year
25 It lost $380 million in oil futures and was taken over by Deutsche Bank
26 Costa Rica, Poland, Russia, Pakistan
27 Kuwait; this stock market collapsed in 1982
28 Tabuchi, Nomura Securities
29 Italy, UK
30 Michael Von Clemm
31 January 1995
32 A basket of European currencies created in 1973
33 July 3 1999
34 January 1986
35 Chairman of BCCI which collapsed in 1991
36 Deutsche Bank/Morgan Grenfell
37 Ohio Mattress
38 Bank von Ernst
How did you do?
A score of 30 or more is excellent (or you can read upside down); 20 or more still impressive; from 20 to 15 shows fair knowledge; 14-10 is average; nine and below suggests you live only for the present and are therefore well-equipped for today's markets.