Where Fannie Mae, our borrower of the year, has led, others, such as Ford, our best corporate borrower, and even smaller issuers such as Brazil, our best sovereign, and IADB, best supranational, have followed. Antony Currie, Anja Helk, Peter Lee, Charles Piggott and Christina White report on the best corporate, sovereign, financial and securitization borrowers from Europe, central and eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Best borrower: Fannie Mae
Best sovereign borrower: Brazil
Best corporate borrower: Ford
Best supranational borrower: IADB
Best European sovereign borrower: Greece
Best central and eastern European sovereign: Poland
Best central Asian sovereign: Kazakhstan
Best European corporate: Vodafone AirTouch
Best Asian sovereign: Korea Development Bank
Best Asian corporate: Asia Pulp & Paper
Best Latin American corporate: CTC
Best Euromarket high-yield issuer: Level 3 Communications
Best US high-yield market issuer: Williams Communications
Best bank issuer: Barclays
Best Asian bank: Hanvit Bank
Best US financial issuer: House-hold Finance
Best covered bond issuer: Rheinische Hypothekenbank
Best central and eastern European corporate: TPSA
Best structured securitization issuer: Italy
Best emerging-markets securitization issuer: Garanti Leasing IFC Finance Limited
Best Latin American securitization issuer: Argentina
Best borrower: Fannie Mae
In an uncertain and volatile market, Fannie Mae ought to be an obvious choice for best borrower.