<b>Olof Stenhammar</b>

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<b>Olof Stenhammar</b>

Headline: Olof Stenhammar
Source: Euromoney
Date: November 2000
Author: Philip Eade


The outcome of OM Gruppen’s bid to take over the London Stock Exchange remained uncertain as Euromoney went to press, but OM’s dynamic founder and chairman, Olof Stenhammar, remained characteristically resolute. “We will go on until the last day [the 60-day bid timetable ends on November 10],” he reported from his car phone between meetings. “We think we have a good case and we will continue to preach its virtues.”

Stenhammar gave up the role of chief executive of OM in 1996 in order to lead Stockholm’s bid to host the 2004 Olympic Games – as well as to give himself more time on his farm and on his boat. However he still owns a 30% stake and has remained consistently vociferous in extolling OM’s virtues, never more so than in the present increasingly bitter fight for the LSE. The LSE’s robust defence document has sought to undermine OM’s reputation for technological leadership, questioning its capacity to deliver projects on time.

Stenhammar is certainly not invincible, as the failure of the Olympic bid demonstrated (the city was deemed too small, and it did not help that many Stockholmers were seen as being against the proposal).

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