Online Risk Management Vendors’ Summary
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Online Risk Management Vendors’ Summary

Online Risk Management Vendors' Summary
Item Question Algo Suite 4.0 Cygnifi Deutsche Bank RiskOffice NetRisk: CrystalBox Netrisk: RiskOps Measurisk:InterSight
1 How long have you been in business? Since 1989 Nine months Since 1993 The product was first offered in 1995 The founding firms have been supplying treasury technology for more than 20 years Over 10 years Four years Since 1997 Two years
2 Are you targeting a particular category of customer? Financial services, energy & commodity players Market-makers and end-users of plain-vanilla through exotic derivative instruments including banks, corporates, insurers, supranationals, agencies, asset managers, hedge funds Financial institutions, hedge Mainly asset managers, hedge funds, pension funds, insurers and corporate treasuries More than half the Global 2000 and half the Fortune 100 companies plus many of the largest financial institutions and government agencies 50 N/A Investment management industry - asset managers, hedge funds, plan sponsors, etc Leading financial institutions globally Corporates, fund managers, individual investors, insurance companies, plan sponsors, retail
3 How many clients do you have? 120 Six 20 clients piloting the system More than 20   Used by more than 2,400 organizations One asset manager, 80 money owners 12 17
4 Are any major clients willing to be identified? They include AIG and Morgan Stanley PricewaterhouseCoopers No Microsoft, World Bank Group Chase, Dell, Ford Motor Cargill, Foster's, KLM, Philip Morris, Nestlé, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Wal-Mart See,
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