For historical country risk data please visit the Euromoney Country risk website |
WE LIVE IN a safer world than a year ago.
The results of Euromoney's latest country risk survey show a significant improvement in the overall scores of many countries in the past 12 months. Notable risers in absolute risk ratings include Argentina (up by 10.3 points to 36.08 out of a maximum possible 100 for the best country risk score), Pakistan (up 8.8), the Slovak Republic (6.2), Ukraine (5.1), Turkey (4.9) and Russia (4.4). All rises are on the September 2003 survey.
In aggregate there has been a 4.5 % upward shift in the total absolute score for all 185 countries rated. Yet worrying geopolitical instability still casts a dark shadow over the Middle East, Africa and many other countries. It just doesn't feel safe.
Thierry Apoteker, managing director at TAC, ascribes the overall positive trend in large part to the favourable international trade environment which added to the "delayed but visible effects of many structural reforms engaged in emerging heavyweights, like Brazil [ranked 71 in our latest country risk ranking, up from 78 in March 2004], India [60 in the latest survey] or Indonesia [88]".