Bank atlas - by country s-z
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Bank atlas - by country s-z

Top 200 banks

Largest banks by country
A-C     |      D-I    |    J-M    |    N-R    |    S-Z

Saudi Arabia Bank Fiscal period Moody's Ratings (as of May 14th, 2004) Shareholder equity ($m) Equity growth (%) Total assets ($m) Asset growth (%) Net income ($m) Income growth (%) RoE, period end (%) RoA, period end (%) Loans % Deposits Tier 1 capital ratio (%)
1 Samba Financial Group 2003 Baa2/P-2/C+ 2,371 -0.4 21,105 3.5 384 -22.6 16.2 1.8 56.5% 15.9%
2 Riyad Bank 2003 Baa2/P-2/C- 2,282 1.9 19,094 6.4 425 12.4 18.6 2.2 60.9% 19.0%
3 Al-Rajhi Banking and Investment Corporation [1] 2003 Baa2/P-2/D+ 1,936 6.0 17,271 8.9 544 44.3 28.1 3.1 114.8% 24.4%
4 Banque Saudi Fransi 2003 Baa2/P-2/C 1,349 6.3 14,286 19.7 316 16.6 23.4 2.2 62.7%

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