Bank atlas 2004 - top 200
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Bank atlas 2004 - top 200

Top 200 banks

Largest banks by country
A-C     |      D-I    |    J-M    |    N-R    |    S-Z

Rank Pro-forma ranking Bank Country Fiscal period Moody's Ratings (as of May 14th, 2004) Shareholder equity ($m) Equity growth (%) Total assets ($m) Asset growth (%) Net income ($m) Income growth (%) RoE, period end (%) RoA, period end (%) Loans % Deposits Tier 1 capital ratio (%)
1 1 Citigroup Inc. United States 2003 Aa1/P-1/A- * 98,014 13.0 1,264,032 15.2 17,853 16.9 18.2 1.4 30.9% 8.9%
2 2 HSBC Holdings United Kingdom 2003 Aa2/P-1/B+ * 85,354 46.4 1,034,216 36.3 8,774 40.6 10.3 0.8 92.3% 8.9%
3 7 Groupe Crédit Agricole France 2003 Aa2/P-1/B+ 59,106 63.8 1,098,599 80.5 3,295 36.8 5.6 0.3 104.0% 7.6%
4 5 Royal Bank of Scotland Group United Kingdom 2003 Aa1/P-1/A- * 54,781 18.2
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