SG Hambros
Euromoney Limited, Registered in England & Wales, Company number 15236090
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SG Hambros

Client Profile:  UK resident and domiciled

Investment Strategy:  Capital preservation portfolio


Last month Mr  XXX retired and sold his XXXXXXX company for $20,000,000 net. He is UK resident and domiciled and intends to spend the next few years in London before retiring to his villa in Spain. Having worked so hard to build up his company he is eager to enjoy the years ahead without worrying about losing the capital he made from the sale. His mandate to SG Hambros was therefore to achieve long term capital growth but with an emphasis on capital preservation. In addition to his requirement for growth he also wanted a small amount of income to supplement his pension.

We structured his portfolio in an offshore insurance bond wrapper which means that with the exception of nominal withholding taxes he is able to enjoy gross roll up on his investments without the deduction of income or capital gains tax.  Also, whilst he is a UK resident, he could remit up to 5% of the initial investment without any liability to UK taxation.

The underlying portfolio within the wrapper is :

Cash (Sterling) 5.00%

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