Beginners' guide to ACFC
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Beginners' guide to ACFC

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Acquisition integration

General Electric: A process for preparing and assimilating newly acquired assets

Translation: GE has made an average of 100 acquisitions a year for the past five years. Its employees thus know more than most about what can go wrong, and right, and how to deal with it.

Change acceleration process, or CAP

GE: A set of management techniques designed to accelerate the acceptance and implementation of change

Translation: Soothing egos

GE operating system

GE: Interactive sessions offered to clients throughout the year to help plan key business decisions such as annual operating plans, compliance reviews, performance reviews, succession planning

Translation: Improve business planning procedures

Leadership development

GE: A bottom-up look at organizational effectiveness and structure focused on the performance, promotability, and development of talent pipelines.

Translation: Make key employees feel valued, help them, and prepare them for promotion.

Process mapping

GE: A tool for displaying steps of a work process that focuses on eliminating non-value-added work.

Translation: stopping employees wasting time and resources.

360 feedback

GE: A quantitative feedback tool to gather information on key leadership behaviours of an individual from those who interact with them from a 360 perspective

Translation: Finding out in an organized manner exactly what employees think of their bosses.

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