45% of Senior Executives Plan to Switch Industries
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45% of Senior Executives Plan to Switch Industries

A poll of senior executives finds that 45% expect to pursue career opportunities in a new industry.

The poll was conducted by the Association of Executive Search Consultants, a worldwide professional association for retained search firms.

Peter Felix, president of the association, says: "For the past few years, executives have been reluctant to leave their current positions, let alone their current industries. Now with the economy improving, executives will look at new opportunities with an increasingly broad perspective. Although each industry and company has its own unique set of business issues and culture, increasingly the barriers between industries are coming down and executive skills and experience are transferable."

Another recent survey by the association found that 26% of senior executives believe their greatest career opportunities are outside of their home country. The results showed that:

?  55% will pursue the same career path at a new company.

?  19% will pursue a different career path.

?  20% will pursue the same career path at a new company outside their home country.

?  6% will pursue a different career path outside their home country.

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