IMF letters page
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IMF letters page

Newcomers to the IMF/World Bank meetings could find the event overwhelming. Should they attend the seminars? And if so, which ones? Where’s the best place to hear the gossip? And which parties should they attend? Confused? Don’t worry because help is at hand from an IMF veteran, as dictated to Sudip Roy.

Dear IMF veteran
I’m beginning to feel a little nervous. I’m about to attend a very important event but this is my first time and I have a number of concerns. First, what tips can you give me on how to make the most out of the IMF/World Bank annual meetings in Singapore?
Yours sincerely
IMF virgin
Name and address supplied
Dear IMF virgin
Thank you for your question. There’s no need to worry. You’re not alone. For example, this will be Hank Paulson’s first IMF meeting as US Treasury secretary. He will probably be feeling just as nervous as you about meeting more experienced finance ministers, such as Gordon Brown, who will be celebrating his 10th year of attendance.
The key to a successful meeting is to network. This is your chance to meet a host of finance ministers, central bank governors and investment bankers. They all expect to be wooed. Remember to arrange private lunches and dinners for them. I hear Raffles has a decent menu.
Yours sincerely
IMF veteran
How can I show that I’m up to date with the big issues of the day?
Well you could attend the official programme of seminars but don’t worry about setting your alarm clock too early. You’ll find that more seasoned IMF attendees sneak in 10 minutes before the end and ask a prominent question to appear knowledgeable. This year’s big themes will include: Asia rising – myths and realities; the Middle East; trade and investment; energy and security; climate change; emerging capital markets; infrastructure for the 21st century; and regional and economic financial integration.
If all this seems too much, don’t worry – you’ve made a great start by picking up Euromoney’s September issue, in which you will get all the relevant information in an insightful, witty and intelligent form.
One final piece of advice: remember it’s now Wolfowitz in charge of the World Bank and not Wolfensohn.
Can you advise me on the etiquette for the parties?
The first piece of advice I’d give you is to go to as many as you can. The parties are the best places to get the inside track, as the revellers become more loquacious after a drink or two. Interestingly, tradition shows that the scale of a party is often in inverse proportion to the size of the host’s balance sheet.
The best parties are held at imaginative locations. Look out for any reception at Singapore’s night safari. Careful which animals you bump into, especially in the reptile house.
Beware, though, not to carry a camera to these parties. In some cases, the charming ladies on the bankers’ arms might not be their wives or even their daughters.
How do I deal with journalists?
Never arrange to meet a journalist at their hotel. While fellow bankers will be found at the most prestigious and centrally based hotels, journalists will probably be holed up in a shack on the Malaysian border.
A great way of forging closer relationships with journalists is over a drink at the parties. If you find that this convivial atmosphere has led to you dropping one or two indiscreet comments, fear not. Production of a bottle of Krug should ensure their silence. This is not moral hazard but a genuine inability by them to recollect what was said the night before.
Whatever you do, hang on to their publications. Littering, even of high-class financial magazines, is a serious offence in Singapore.
Finally, I’ve noticed that most bankers have three BlackBerries strategically placed about their bodies. I only have one. Do I need to hire two more for the occasion?
You will find no technological advantage in owning three but it does give the appearance that you are very busy and important. First impressions count. Prime your friends, their families and even your grandmother to send you irrelevant e-mails at regular intervals. This will help you look very successful.

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