External debt rises 10.9% y/y to USD 2.3bn at end-October. The external debt has risen by 10.9% y/y (and 0.4% m/m) to USD 2.3bn at end-October. This level corresponds to 36.8% of projected full-year GDP. When expressed in euro, the external debt has risen by 5% y/y and 0.1% m/m. In early December 2005, the government has sold a 10-year eurobond worth EUR 150mn used for buying out USD 221mn debt to the London Club in January 2006. Foreign reserves have grown by 1.8% in September, reaching EUR 1,370.1mn at the end of the month or 5.1 months of imports of goods and services. External debt, USDmn 31.10.2005 30.09.2006 31.10.2006 % y/y % m/m LONG-TERM DEBT Official creditors 1,244.7 1,325.6 1,336.5 7.4 0.8 Multilateral 1,036.2 1,118.8 1,124.3 8.5 0.5 Bilateral 208.6 206.8 212.2 1.7 2.6 Private Creditors 744.3 853.6 857.1 15.2 0.4 London Club 222.4 0.0 0.0 -100.0 - Eurobond 0.0 189.9 190.8 - 0.4 Others 522.0 663.7 666.4 27.7 0.4 TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT 1,989.1 2,179.2 2,193.6 10.3 0.7 TOTAL SHORT-TERM DEBT 86.3 113.6 108.4 25.6 -4.6 TOTAL DEBT 2,075.4 2,292.7 2,302.0 10.9 0.4 Source: Central bank