Apax Partners Worldwide LLP • The borrower’s perspective
For the private equity sponsor, leveraged loans are now more attractive and more flexible than ever before.
Alcentra • Prudent expanson is the key
Alcentra has enough experience of the leveraged loans business to know that some deals are best left on the table, even in a bull market. Loyal staff and a very low default rate testify to its success.
ING • LBO financing: a changing landscape
Institutional investors made 2006 a watershed year for Europe’s leveraged finance market. They not only took centre stage by becoming the market’s main source of liquidity, but have remained there ever since. ING’s Paul McKenna describes their impact on current market trends and how their new prominence has changed the roles of the established players.
Fitch Ratings • LTM European Holdco PIKs – the next stage of the bull market