Now, thanks to the magic of the internet, help is at hand. "The Streets have ruined the lives of many and you have cats with MBA’s exploiting our stories under the guise of being down. I can’t take it," wrote rapper MC Hammer on March 19 on his Twitter page. "We just fed the Nation 15yrs of evil soup. Now were throwing up. Let’s get it all out !! Reject the old menu. Feed me new food and new Wine," he mused on March 15.
Twitter, for any readers who have managed to avoid it so far, is a website that enables users to post brief thoughts called "tweets" to a page where other users can read them and respond. Celebrity impersonators have fooled some, but those mentioned in this article appear to be genuine. MC Hammer is not the only celebrity whose thoughts have taken a philosophical bent in the present environment.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods," quotes Fred Durst, frontman of the rap-rock outfit Limp Bizkit, on his page