US markets: Don’t thank your lucky stars just yet
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US markets: Don’t thank your lucky stars just yet

If you’re thinking recovery and green shoots, think again. Robert Gover, an economist-cum-astrologist, says the planetary alignments portend a decline in the US markets beginning in August, accelerating into a crash by October. A Grand Cross, whereby four planets form oppositions to each other in outer space that resemble a cross on a celestial chart is what is coming up, says Gover. Grand Crosses were present in all of the US’s severe depressions. It’s going to be lumpy for the stock markets from then until 2012, when it will get worse until 2015. So much for green shoots.

If optimists want to dismiss Gover’s predictions as hocus pocus, one word of warning – his 2005 book Time and Money predicted a stock market crash commencing in mid-September last year, when the full moon was opposite Saturn. What date was that? September 15 – the Monday following the fateful weekend when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and Merrill Lynch was taken over by Bank of America. Gover’s advice? Buy land. Grow your own food.

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