Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, chief executive of Mandiri and known to all as Pak Tiko, is a great believer in using technology and social media to get messages to his staff.
So, for example, he once recorded his message in the format of a popular Indonesian TV programme called ‘The midnight show’ (rebadging it ‘The Mandiri show’ for the occasion) with one of Indonesia’s most famous comedians hired to conduct the interview.
“It’s so I can relate to my employees in a more informal setting,” Tiko says.
But our favourite was his decision to use the carpool karaoke format. Euromoney hears he performed ‘A million dreams’, the song from ‘The greatest showman’, as well as something by Coldplay.
It seems to be working. At least 70% of Mandiri employees follow his Instagram account, which helps when he goes to more remote branches to meet staff.
“Because they feel like they know me personally, they come to me in a warm and unassuming way,” he says.
“Sometimes, in a branch, I have to stop people coming out of their teller booths to take selfies with me while there are still customers queueing.”