Bank Dhofar
Bank Dhofar has come a long way in a short period of time. Under its chief executive, Abdul Hakeem Omar Al Ojaili, the bank’s digital strategy isn’t the best in the Middle East, but it leads the way in its home market.
During 2019 it unveiled a new range of smart, self-service, multi-function kiosks at its branches, introduced new services such as on-site cheque book printing (for those who like their digital services to be old-school in nature), and unveiled a new QR code-based payments system, routed via the bank’s new MPclear switch.
The Muscat-based lender unveiled an advanced omni-channel platform that will, it says, “redefine the digital channel experience for customers”.

During the awards period, Bank Dhofar also announced the launch of a new customer relationship management strategy, and it teamed up with Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning to deliver cloud-based procurement and financial planning solutions to companies.
It plans to continue to roll out new services in the year ahead – central to which is a long-planned upgrade of its core banking system. One task it can tick off its list is the implementation of an advanced IFRS9 system upgrade, designed to improve its asset liability management and fund transfer capability, which it finalized in 2019.