
The sixth year of ABK-Egypt Bank’s existence is proving to be its most transformative, thanks to a digitalization push that is turning heads.
ABK-Egypt was created in November 2015 via a merger of Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) and Piraeus Bank Egypt. The Kuwaiti institution wanted to expand its regional presence and scale to better serve clients and stakeholders.
All involved are getting far more than that from ABK-Egypt, as chief executive Khaled El Salawy steers it toward a bigger regional presence.
ABK-Egypt offers the full range of financial products and services in Kuwait, UAE and Egypt, but has ambitious expansion plans. Headquartered in Smart Village, Giza, it has 44 branches and a presence in most of the Egyptian governorates, offering retail, corporate, and SME customers tech-savvy banking services and a wide range of diversified commercial and investment products.
Yet ABK-Egypt’s intensifying digitalization is what really impresses, earning it our digital bank award. Like most banks, ABK-Egypt bent over backwards to support customers who were financially impacted by Covid-19, in line with Central Bank of Egypt directives.