China Securities Co

China Securities Co’s performance in the onshore debt market has gone from strength to strength in the past year. Between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021, Asiamoney’s awards period, CSC claimed a 11.2% market share in bond underwriting and an increase in volume of nearly 23%, making it one of only two securities firms (the other was Citic Securities) to have a share of more than 10%, Wind data shows.
Under Ray Guo, head of bond underwriting and structured finance, CSC continued to show leadership in the exchange market for company bonds underwriting, having already ranked top for six consecutive years since 2015. With a volume of Rmb375 billion ($57.9 billion), CSC accounted for 11% of this market.
It led Huaneng Tiancheng Financial Leasing’s Rmb1 billion bond in February, one of the first carbon neutrality bonds issued on the Shanghai bourse. A type of green bond, carbon neutrality bonds are a product launched in early 2021 to support China’s carbon goals.