SBI Royal Securities

SBI Royal Securities has a unique place in Cambodia’s corporate and investment banking market, as it was the first Japanese institution to be given a full securities licence in Cambodia 11 years ago. It hasn’t looked back since.
In Cambodia, it often falls to the private sector to prod the government toward disruptive reforms. SBI Royal has made its presence felt in the development of the capital markets, which is why the bank once again walks away with our award for best corporate and investment bank in the country.
SBI Royal, led by chief executive Seng Chan Thoeun, has a proven track record of helping to internationalise the debt and equities markets. It underwrote the nation’s inaugural corporate bond in 2018 and a year later, it handled the first bond issue carrying an international credit rating.
In April 2020, SBI Royal brought RMA Cambodia’s pioneering local currency bond to market, a CR80 billion ($20 million) issue backed by the Asian Development Bank’s credit guarantee investment facility.