Mandiri Sekuritas takes the award for best securities house in Indonesia this year, maintaining its leading industry position during a particularly turbulent period in the markets.
Whether it was underwriting or trading equity, leading Indonesian rupiah bonds, running global bond deals or working on M&A transactions, Mandiri played a key role across all markets.
As a subsidiary of Bank Mandiri, one of the largest Indonesian state-controlled banks, the firm has a rich roster of clients. Its deals included the sale of rupiah bonds in the domestic market for Aneka Gas Industri and Pupuk Indonesia, and of international bonds for Indofood, Pertamina and Sarana Multi Infrastruktur.
In the equity capital markets, Mandiri Sekuritas was joint lead underwriter for GoTo’s IPO in March. GoTo, formed by the merger of Indonesian ride-hailing company Gojek and Indonesian e-commerce firm Tokopedia, raised about $1.1 billion from its landmark listing, which at the time made it the world’s fifth-largest IPO of the year.
In M&A too, Mandiri Sekuritas had a front-row seat on important deals, such as the merger of Pelindo I and IV to become the world’s eighth-largest sea port operator.