Best Managed Companies
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Telecommunications companies perform strongly in the Asia portion of Euromoney’s 2016 Best Managed Companies Survey.
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Winners of Euromoney’s latest survey of the best managed companies in Asia needed to demonstrate environmental and social credentials.
Euromoney's annual Best Managed Companies ranking is based on a survey of market analysts at leading banks and research institutes around the world. Polling takes place from 7th June to late July.
Banks performed well across all regions in the Euromoney Best Managed Companies Survey 2015.
In an era where every bank is considering its strategy more closely than ever, managerial acumen and the ability to articulate that strategy in an open and transparent way are increasingly important. Euromoney’s survey reveals the banks in emerging markets that are doing it best – and in some cases better than any other corporates in their country or region.
What links China Telecom, CEZ, Fabella, Emirates NDB and Sanlam? They are the companies analysts rate as the best managed in the core emerging market regions.
The opening up of the Saudi Stock Exchange to foreign investors could be a watershed moment for the country’s capital markets. Bankers predict a rush of deals to soak up demand. But what will foreign investors find in the Middle East’s biggest market? And can structural issues over settlement be solved?
What’s in a name? Adel Saleh Al-Ghamdi is the chief executive of the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul). The brackets are important. They are a sign of the increasing attention he and his institution are paying to the world outside Saudi Arabia.
Best Managed Companies in the Middle East 2013: By Sector
Bank analysts and equity investors give their opinions on which companies they think are the best by the individual company sectors.
Euromoney's regional 'Best Company' rankings are based on a survey of market analysts at leading banks and research institutes across the globe who give their opinions on which companies they think are best in a region across various categories and sectors.
Turkish operators such as Turkcell, Turk Telekom and TAV Airports dominate Euromoney's latest rankings of the region's best managed companies.
Euromoney's tenth annual Central & Eastern Europe Company ranking is based on a survey of market analysts at leading banks and research institutes in the region.
Euromoney’s ninth Latin American company ranking is based on a survey of market analysts at banks and research institutes in Latin America. Respondents were asked to nominate the top-five listed companies in each of the main survey categories, bearing in mind market strength, profitability, growth potential, quality of management and earnings. Respondents were also asked to nominate the five best group treasurers, bearing in mind communication, knowledge of own business and market knowledge as well as their top-five financial exchanges in Latin America.