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Mobile banking in Africa is snapping on the heels of traditional payment mechanisms. Nevertheless, there are growing opportunities for banks but questions remain over the regulatory and economic impact of the cell phone revolution.
Banks’ proprietary cash management portals are under pressure, as corporates migrate to bank co-operative networks, such as Swift, attracted to the allure of multiple service providers and hedging counterparty risk.
Daily cost analysis coming; Protects against client litigation
Paypal can make your payments. Google wants your wallet. Facebook sees what you like. Apple and Amazon know when you spend and what you spend it on. How far can the new, powerful technology companies threaten the traditional role of banks?
FX banks will use HTML5 to build the front-end of their single-dealer platforms (SDPs), according to a survey from Caplin, the technology vendor.
Some of the biggest retail FX brokers are reporting a surge in mobile trading activity that is only set to continue as mobile applications become the dominant venue for FX trading.
Facebook’s pending multi-billion dollar IPO is raising the spectre of a new tech bubble. Bankers argue that today’s tech and social media boom is different to that of the late 1990s. But the competition for mandates is more pressing than ever.