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Master of the merger of the 2000s.
Euromoney magazine has released the results of its 41st annual foreign exchange ranking, the most comprehensive quantitative and qualitative annual study available on the FX markets.
Digital banking blurs boundaries.
For 50 years Euromoney has provided unique stories on the biggest events in financial markets, and now we can reveal our secret – we were in the room at the time. Here’s how landmark events such as the collapse of LTCM and Lehman Brothers actually played out. From the imagination of Jon Macaskill.
1985: The era when the City of London went global (from the imagination of Jon Macaskill).
2018: Euromoney was involved in the succession planning at Goldman Sachs and proposed a bold experiment in digital banking recruitment (from the imagination of Jon Macaskill).
2006: In the approach to the 2008 global financial crisis, Euromoney became concerned about hidden risks and complications in the structured credit markets (from the imagination of Jon Macaskill).
1998: As the 1990s came to a close, Euromoney spent time in the US with Sandy Weill and Jamie Dimon, watching as LTCM imploded and the Glass-Steagall laws were repealed (from the imagination of Jon Macaskill).
2008: While the GFC raged, Euromoney had an inside view as politicians on both sides of the Atlantic tried to save the banking system (from the imagination of Jon Macaskill).
The global banking industry looks stronger and healthier than at any time since the global financial crisis. It is not about to – and probably doesn’t want to – enter a ‘golden era’. Safe, stable, solid are the new watchwords. Responsible finance is good business. And good management is the key to restoring trust.
From the City desk of the Daily Mail to a park bench in New York, via conversations with the pioneers of the Eurobond market, Euromoney was the vision of its founder Sir Patrick Sergeant. He managed to create what is now a billion-pound business empire while reinventing financial journalism. His is a remarkable story.
The 2019 Euromoney Fixed Income Research Survey is now closed. Euromoney invited asset managers, institutional investors and other consumers of fixed income research to participate in this survey.
Africa has long had a fraught relationship with the capital markets – can the continent put that difficult history behind it and, crucially, fund the next stage of its development?
From digital banking to the retreat of international firms, the future of African finance will be determined within its own borders. That gives the region a much better chance of success.
Africa has the largest number of refugees of any continent – in Uganda, many of them are economically active, while others are excluded from accessing basic banking products. Euromoney finds out how integrating refugees into the formal financial system could benefit the country.
For 50 years, Euromoney has followed the vicissitudes of a continent that has moved into and out of favour with international banks and grappled with developing its own capital market culture.
The continent is trying to force financial inclusion at a time when international banks are leaving. It is a hotbed of innovation but still lacks essential infrastructure. So how should we look at banking in a modern Africa?
Last year was key in the development of one of Oceania’s more unexplored yet potential-rich economies. Its inaugural $500 million sovereign dollar bond caught light and its hosting of the APEC Summit was a hit. The country now needs investment to unlock myriad opportunities in agriculture, power, infrastructure, telecoms, financial services and tourism.
As Africa becomes embedded in the global financial and banking system, our journalists have travelled to some of the most challenging local markets to highlight opportunities – but sometimes trips don’t go to plan.
Well-capitalized, liquid and digitally sophisticated, banks in emerging Europe today are far from the clunking incumbents and fly-by-nights of the post-socialist era. A fragmented, diverse and politically volatile region is a challenge for smaller banks – is a new wave of consolidation on the way?
As part of Euromoney's 50th anniversary coverage, we profile some of the biggest names that we interviewed for our May CEE focus.
Euromoney speaks to 10 key figures who shaped the development of banking and finance in emerging Europe.
From communism to unbridled capitalism, from command economy to chaos to convergence, Euromoney’s coverage provides a unique insight into an unparalleled half-century in emerging Europe.
Since 2008, rising local players have gained the upper hand over risk-averse global investment banks in emerging Europe as the flow of larger deals has declined, but that could change as regional firms start to flex their muscles on the global stage and China looms large.
Asia’s ability to adapt has made it the current engine of world growth. The next decades could see it become the leader in global banking.
As part of Euromoney's 50th anniversary coverage, we profile some of the biggest names that we interviewed for our May 2019 Asia focus.