Innovations in Islamic finance
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OR250 million ($650 million) sukuk
$100 million Islamic structured club facility
Euromoney highlights six of the strongest key innovations in Islamic finance from the last 12 months.
UK Export Finance $913 million sukuk (Khadrawy)
£132 million ($187 million) secured Islamic facility
M$100 million ($18.2 million) sustainable and responsible investment sukuk (Ihsan)
Submission deadline Thursday 10th March 2016
The growth and globalization of Islamic finance over the past decade has been a rare success story for the financial industry. Here, Euromoney examines the challenges the sector faces to rise to the next level. Throughout the section, we highlight the banks, advisers, issuers and companies that are moving the industry forward, in Euromoney’s inaugural Innovation in Islamic finance awards.
International banks used to dominate Islamic finance. But their desire to innovate risked the market straying from its principles. Local and specialist firms have benefited from their withdrawal. But can they take Shariah-compliant finance to the next level without repeating the mistakes of the past?
With expanding economies and hundreds of million Muslims, Africa deserves to be a bigger part of Islamic finance. After a slow start, there are signs the sector is beginning to gain the crucial mass and legislative backing it needs.
As liquidity improves and conventional buyers become more familiar with it, the premium for issuing in an Islamic format is shrinking. Emerging market issuers may still hold the most promise for the future
Islamic finance deal of the year: