April 2015
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Energy market volatility hits equity tranches; index dispersion at highest level since crisis.
QE drives all-in yields to historic lows; Hybrids now more attractive than triple-B corporates.
New trading system raises funds, prepares launch; 22 of top 50 asset managers signed up.
Micro SMEs still cut off from bank finance; new way to lend against cash flow.
A number of eye-catching deals in the Indian market in 2015 are creating excitement for bankers about the potential pipeline of deals this year.
Increased working-capital efficiency and centralized treasury operations are freeing up the funds needed by Asia-based corporates to expand into new markets. This is pushing their banks to innovate with new treasury products and services.
A grilling from politicians can be murder for a bank chief executive. Your only hope is to get the murder board right in advance.
A host of new technology and new business models are aiming to transform the financial system. Many will fall by the wayside. But among them are potential winners that could be the Goldman Sachs or Nasdaq of the 21st century. Euromoney looks at the smart people and smart firms attempting to reshape finance.
London is strutting its stuff as a world centre for fintech innovation to rival Silicon Valley and New York. The first-stage disruptors, challengers and innovators are now established and growing. Government and regulators want to build a better financial system and see technology as the key.
New sovereign issuance hope; Pemex investor day piques interest.