April 2018
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As direct lending funds continue their advance, certain banks are also making waves in mid-market lending.
The likely recommendations from Australia’s investigations are changes that should have been made years ago.
Asia has so much to build and yet it doesn’t seem to be involved.
The French group seems both destined for dominance and predisposed to failure.
The disappearance of the chair of CEFC China Energy throws doubts on its European acquisition spree.
Delegates to the IDB conference in Mendoza were lucky enough to receive bottles of fine Argentine Malbec from various sponsors – and another from the IDB itself in the welcome pack at registration.
ECM bankers look safer from automation than their DCM colleagues, whatever Spotify might be up to.
Has there ever been a finer movie speech than Jack Nicholson’s “You can’t handle the truth!” tirade in A Few Good Men?
The country’s banks are much more investable than they have been for over a decade – whether or not that makes them attractive enough to relist and attract foreign investors is another question.
After a bloodless revolution at the eurozone’s second biggest banking group, Philippe Brassac says he has engineered a return to Crédit Agricole’s origins, rooted in French regional banking. Now he is aiming to revive the group’s appetite for foreign expansion. Can Brassac prevent a repetition of his predecessors’ international errors and avoid falling victim to another coup?
In March, Euromoney decided to take a detailed look at the environment for the M&A, financing and markets businesses at the big banks.
New technology and a handful of savvy operators have transformed banking for SMEs in Russia since the start of the decade. Now some of the sector’s biggest names are squaring up for the next challenge: affordable and accessible credit.
The Middle East’s financial centres are keen to collaborate on fintech, in an effort to catch up with US, UK and Asian markets. But with rich pickings on offer, there is also stiff competition to establish fintech dominance.
Daiwa has to do something – and everybody knows it; a bold ambition to become a global advisory mid-market leader leapt forward with the recent acquisition and merger of two leading US M&A boutiques, but can Daiwa really deliver globally?
The country’s Employees Provident Fund puts considerable effort into Shariah compliance from an ESG framework. Could chief executive Shahril Ridza Ridzuan have hit upon a template for other Islamic funds?
February’s volatility has shown that the markets may not always be there for the financing that corporates want to do and that the borrowers may not always be there for the financing that the markets want to do. Financing could be about to change – a lot
Bank South Pacific dominates most of the markets that it serves, but it is not big enough to find an exchange suitable for a long-discussed second listing.
The plight of the unbanked in the US’s poorest regions is a modern-day scandal in the world’s richest nation. Southern Bancorp is one bank seeking to address the problem. Euromoney goes to the heart of the battle to beat financial exclusion in rural America.
The right political environment for strategic, cross-border M&A deals within Europe might finally be here. Investment bankers know they need to make the most of it – while it lasts
After a much-needed spike in volatility during the first quarter, FICC bankers reacted with cautious fist-bumps rather than fist-pumps. They hope it will continue, but how quickly this will translate into better revenues and profitability remains to be seen.
Stock market ups and downs over the last two years reveal a new line-up of possible big bank buyers in the eurozone. If they wait for balance sheet clean-ups and government sell-downs, they may have to up their bids.
Redomicile quelled depositor fears, says CEO; economy boosts newly acquired Portuguese business.
Ride hailing app raises over $1bln directly; banks may test regulation with lower-rated credits.
Initiatives aim to create depository insurance scheme; targeted at new NPLs, not existing stock.
The cat is out of the bag: the public is aware that if you want to stop something, you have to stop the financing. Right now in the US, that something is guns.
A sale of NEX will generate close to a billion dollars for brokerage founder Spencer. Will it also bring him closer to the aristocratic title he craves?
If Michael Spencer manages to sell NEX at a price that places a high value on its core FX and electronic bond dealing platform, he will have pulled off an impressive slow-motion brokerage trade.
New sole president’s success in building non-traditional strengths put him ahead of rival Schwartz