August 2003
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Focusing more than ever on profitablility, banks are making big changes in their businesses, not least in bringing debt and equity teams together. Antony Currie and Peter Koh report
Attractive margins on new-issue business in the sterling corporate bonds sector are encouraging European and US banks to enter the market. But gaining and maintaining a foothold in this cliquish arena could prove costly
Issuer: ELoC 16
Afer three years of speculation about his departure, Citigroup's CEO Sandy Weil has finally named a successor. But the story doesn't end there.
Issuer: Huntsman
You don't become chairman of Santander Central Hispano, Spain's largest bank, and the undisputed don of Spanish finance, if you're easily flustered. But Emilio Botín is something else. He was quizzed recently by Spanish journalists about how he felt about the 150-year jail sentence he's facing for alleged tax fraud. Serene, he told them.
Head of business development, MDM Financial
Global head of foreign exchange research, JPMorgan Chase