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February 2008

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  • FX debate (part two of two): Towards a golden age for foreign exchange

    Last month the panel examined volatility and the reported demise of the dollar. This month, they discuss the merits of prime brokerage, the weakness of algos and how to generate alpha.
  • The greening of Qatar

    Perhaps it’s a feeling of guilt, or an urge to give something back. After all, according to new figures from the IMF, nature has gifted Qatar with oil and gas that have helped it achieve a GDP per capita approaching $70,000.
  • No fresh start for capital markets

    For the first time since 2002 debt is a buyer’s market, and investors are getting what they have long wanted: wider spreads. But at what cost?
  • Bank CEO ranking

    Which CEOs have created (or destroyed) the most shareholder value? Euromoney's latest ranking shows that, despite the reverses of 2007, most remain in credit with investors.
  • The Sepa revolution quietly creeps in

    Unprecedented co-operation between European banks has, at last, created a single euro payments area. It will transform the cash management business and possibly the whole banking industry. Laurence Neville reports.
  • Greek banks face up to doorstep challenge

    The leaders are busy expanding in the Balkans and beyond in emerging Europe. But will buying more and more on their doorstep prove better than an organic growth strategy in the long term? Chloe Hayward reports from Athens.
  • No more level playing field as the cost of bank funding goes up

    Banks must come to terms with higher costs of funding, putting some at a competitive disadvantage to their peers for the first time. The worst hit might have to rethink completely how they fund themselves.
  • Banking: European banks go direct to São Paulo

    New York no longer holds the key to success in Latin America for some European banks.


  • The credit crunch has spurred an increase in the number of new hedge fund launches. Marco Masotti, partner in the fund formation practice at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison in New York, says he has had an increasing number of enquiries from new managers over the past two to three months. "Some are setting up as they wish to take advantage of the investment opportunities that have sprung up, others are leaving financial institutions to start on their own as they are unhappy with management changes, or bonuses at their financial institutions."
  • Fitch Ratings has placed Sigma Finance’s senior note programme on negative watch, in a move affecting $31.6 billion of medium-term notes rated triple A and some $2.3 billion of F1 rated CP.
  • The Argentine government under the leadership of Cristina Kirchner will have to reach a resolution with the holdout investors from the sovereign’s debt restructuring of 2005 if it is to avoid financing issues, according to analysts.
  • Structured finance departments have taken a bit of a battering in the past few months but in southern Africa there is still belief in and appetite for the business. The domestic market in South Africa is growing rapidly, partly to meet political pressure to transfer assets to people with little money and no equity. Electricity shortages might well also be a key driver of new deal flows.
  • In a sign of growing economic cooperation between Russia and China, VTB, Russia’s second-largest bank, has become the first bank from the country to receive a licence to open a branch in China. VTB’s Shanghai branch will primarily service Russia-China trade, big industrial inter-state projects and the investment projects of Russian and Chinese companies.
  • Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez raised the regulated price of milk and threatened to seize dairies that tried to charge more as he attempted to increase milk supplies.
  • The strategic investment case for emerging European equities remains solid despite the deterioration of global markets caused by liquidity constraints in the banking system, says Martin Majdaniuk, manager of Baring Emerging Europe, which has $850 million under management and has returned 195.6% over the past three years.
  • We all know that Iraq is bad but to hear many experts tell it, Afghanistan is the genuine headache of the age, military and economic. With the struggling economy as much a battleground for hearts and minds as the caves of Helmand province or Tora Bora, you’d expect the brightest minds at the IMF and World Bank to be poring over the stricken country, keeping vital but fragile institutions such as the central bank tightly clasped under their intensive care, right? And, with $30 billion of western aid – your taxes – sloshing around the place, at least making sure its books are done properly. Think again.
  • US and European fund managers are snapping up stakes in Brazil’s small, specialist fund boutiques. They are looking to gain exposure to some of the world’s fastest-growing financial markets, diversify revenues, and capture the huge Brazilian shift out of bonds into equities and other assets. For their part, Brazilian managers are gaining know-how, technology and access to well-oiled marketing machines.
  • Regulator considers allowing foreign exchanges to operate in the US without registering and rules to make it easier for foreign issuers.
  • Cognotec, an FX trading solutions provider, has formed a partnership with Saxo Bank. As a result, Saxo will stream liquidity to Cognotec’s RealStream Margin trading platform, which Cognotec developed specifically to target what it calls the professional retail market. In a press release, Brian Maccaba, Cognotec’s chief executive, said: "We are delighted to partner with a progressive bank such as Saxo Bank with its depth of FX experience, and particularly their leading profile in the professional retail trading market."
  • FSA gets mixed response to proposals on disclosure while LSE plans to trade the instruments on its orderbook.
  • Neal Neilinger is the new global head of credit at Calyon. He is responsible for trading, sales and syndicate in the debt and credit markets product line. He reports to his former boss and colleague Jim Siracusa, global head of debt and credit markets.
  • A strong pipeline of deals keeps ECM bankers optimistic for 2008.
  • But lack of legislation might deter traditional investors.
  • The average cost of using a prime broker is slowly increasing, say those in the industry, but do hedge funds really care?
  • Proposals for establishing an EU-wide definition for bank capital have caused a stir in the arcane world of hybrid regulation.
  • Ambac’s inability to issue surplus capital notes could mean that the writing is on the wall for this entire sector.
  • Former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan has joined Paulson & Co as a member of its advisory board. He will provide advice to Paulson’s investment management team on financial markets in an exclusive arrangement. John Paulson, founder of the event-driven hedge fund, saw assets balloon from $7 billion to $28 billion last year because of correct calls on the sub-prime market.
  • Hedge fund M&A activity on the rise.
  • Redecard, a merchant servicing business in Brazil that Citi holds a majority stake in, plans to undertake a follow-on secondary offering. The announcement came within hours of Citi announcing write-downs of $18.1 billion in the fourth quarter of 2007.
  • According to prime brokers in New York and London, funds of hedge funds are reducing the number of new managers they are taking on their books, and, in some instances, are reducing their existing portfolios of managers. One prime broker says that some funds of hedge funds have reduced their books of managers by 10% to 20% over the past two quarters.
  • We asked leading debt market officials what products they thought would be hot in 2008.
  • Central and eastern European issuers are likely to find accessing the international bond markets a challenging experience in the coming months given the continued US-inspired global liquidity squeeze. Speaking at Euromoney’s conference on central and eastern Europe in Vienna, Fokion Karavias, general manager of the global markets division at Greece’s EFG Eurobank, says that on the back of a general flight to quality from emerging towards developed markets all borrowers will face tougher market conditions but that government borrowers should find it easiest to issue. "Sovereigns will need to pay much higher spreads, but they will be able to issue," says Karavias, adding that even potential Euromarket debutantes such as Albania and Azerbaijan could get maiden issues away if they are prepared to pay the higher market clearing levels being demanded by investors.
  • Euromoney has been informed by a source claiming to have been close to an eight-figure deal that cash-rich Saudi Islamic bank Al Rajhi entered into with troubled US bank Bear Stearns just before Christmas.
  • Lehman’s new loan modification programme reveals its pessimistic view of the UK housing market.
  • Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros, the Brazilian derivatives exchange, has announced that it will introduce a new electronic platform to trade spot US dollar/Brazilian real. The venture is a joint initiative with the Brazilian Federation of Banks and the Banco Central do Brasil. BM&F says it is currently responsible for the registration and settlement of about 95% of transactions in the domestic dollar/real market. About 85% of this is traded OTC. The exchange says the addition of transparency and easier access to the market will improve efficiency and facilitate the execution of arbitrage and hedge strategies. The platform is scheduled to go live in the second quarter of 2008.
  • Goldman Sachs has taken a minority stake in Kiev-based investment bank Dragon Capital via a share capital increase. "This development is recognition of the professionalism and success of our 120-strong multinational team and of our track record of triple-digit returns on equity," says Tomas Fiala, Dragon Capital’s managing director and controlling shareholder.
  • Electronic broker Icap, the world’s biggest interdealer broker, acquired a 15% stake in the Bolsa de Productos de Chile (BPC) commodity exchange in January. This deal makes Icap the first international investor to have an ownership stake in a Chilean exchange, after acquiring the last three shares that belonged to BPC for Ps400 million ($800,000). This deal values the Chilean exchange at $5.6 million.
  • Mizuho Corporate Bank and its German subsidiary have together bought a Russian bank, Michinoku Bank (Moscow), completing the purchase of 100% of all 10 million outstanding shares on January 21.